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Faith Based Rehab


Experience freedom from active addiction.



Build an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.


Take back what the enemy stole. 


Our mission.


We treat addiction using a three-fold method; treating the physical, mental, and spiritual symptoms.


We not only provide a warm bed and a roof over clients’ heads, each resident is assigned a mentor and receives one-on-one discipleship and counseling. Residents meet with their mentor regularly, establishing personal, spiritual, and financial goals. The residents attend Bible studies and choose from various classes offered, because we believe that above all, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ changes lives and breaks the chains of bondage.


We also utilize 12 step fellowships. The residents are encouraged to take a service commitment, find a home group, and choose a sponsor within the first 30 days. We offer a unique opportunity to be plugged into a network of Christians in recovery, because we understand the value of one addict helping another.

“I was only 13 when I started shooting heroin. I shot heroine for 37 years. My whole life I thought I was going to die a junkie. All my friends died from the virus, or overdosed, or were killed. I didn’t care whether I lived or died, I was praying someone would kill me. There was something special in this place. Something I never felt before. I decided to give my life over to God and it was the best decision I ever made. I got baptized and am learning a lot about Jesus Christ. This place has become my home.“

-Danny L.

“Before I got clean and came to RHOW, I was an I.V. drug user, physically dependent on heroin and benzodiazepines. I was lost and hopeless, doing anything and everything to get my next fix. I was homeless and actively trying to overdose. RHOW has given me the tools and stability necessary to rebuild my life and create a solid foundation in my recovery. Today my life is fulfilling. I wake up happy.”


“Before coming here, I was homeless in Alaska, addicted to drugs, feeling hopeless and lost, I came to RHOW because unlike most drug treatment facilities they give you the tools you need for all three aspects of addiction – mental, physical, and spiritual. Having a warm safe place to stay, attending meetings, Bible studies, and church services, along with giving back by helping in the soup kitchen that feeds the homeless. RHOW is the most well–rounded recovery program I have been to or even heard of.“

-Thomas I.

“For years, my son struggled with drug addiction. I felt hopeless and helpless. Since he has been at RHOW he has known nothing but love and has an amazing support system. He has been clean for more than a year. My son is back – he is no longer locked in chains. I praise God for making a way to save my son.“

-Betsy I.

“Being accepted into the family of Christ and this Christian brotherhood has healed my heart in ways I never conceived to be possible. The healing power of God flows throughout this ministry as it manifests itself in the many lives this program has helped and touched. My mentor took me under his wing when I first arrived here. He did not know me, the evil I had done or the pain and hurt I’ve suffered – all he saw was a young man in need of God and guidance. He has taken the time to show a troubled young man like myself a way to lead a better life, away towards a better future. I sought counsel from him in many troubled areas of my life and he has let me through with words of compassion and wisdom. He has helped shape me into a better man, the man I am today. Recovery house of worship, along with its ministry leaders, are the forefront of bringing Christ to those who readily need him in their lives.”

-Peter S.

“Everything was going seemingly well in my life. I had my own apartment and a great career. But it wasn’t too long until I found myself depressed. As a result, I had lost my job and my apartment. I had nowhere to go, my life took a turn for the worse. I came to the Men’s rehab at RHOW Brooklyn. They took me in. Here there are many great men. They have become spiritual mentors to me. They began to pour into me - and love me - and fill the emptiness with the love of God. I began to grow, leaving my self–doubts and fears behind me. I thank God for bringing me here, to a place of such love and kindness, a place where I feel safe and part of a family.“

-Nicky S.

I was born into a catholic Puerto Rican family.  I was the oldest daughter of thirteen children.  My stepfather and mother raised me. My father suffered from alcoholism.  My siblings and I suffered from the disease of addiction.  My mother talked of Jesus and his good nature, but her behavior misrepresented Jesus.  I experienced a very dysfunctional upbringing, disappointments, physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse.  I grew up very fearful and self-centered.  I started using drugs at the age of 13 and lived a life of drug addiction until I was 28.  Through God’s Grace, I became sober and met my husband, we married, and were blessed with a son.  3 years into the marriage my husband became ill and was diagnosed with Aids.  For 2 years I watched my husband dying in front of me.  I was in total despair.  I attended a Christian church and answered the call to Salvation. I became a born again Christian. I received the gift of salvation; I left the church and began the journey of recovery in the program of NA.  I experienced the process of the 12 steps.  I began a journey of uncovering my exact nature.  In this realization that on my own power, I was doomed to a hopeless existence.  My exact nature is self-centered and sinful.  I am destined to harm myself and others.  I yearned for a stronger connection with GOD.  I attended a woman's recovery Christian retreat, I recommitted my life to JESUS AS MY LORD AND SAVIOR. My life today is been beyond what I could imagine.  I am experiencing peace with God, myself, and others.

Since then, I have served in numerous ministries: overseer of RHOW Staten Island, NY quarterly Women Unity Day, church hospitality, membership, and baptism classes; I conduct bible studies, assist with teaching, preaching, and facilitating at the women's retreat; I have the honor to teach the 12 step spiritual journey class.

My purpose in Christ is to minister the WORD and the GOSPEL TO ALL through “THE POWER OF GOD”.  To use my life testimony, as an example of GOD’S grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love; and example CHRIST LIKE behavior.

-Gladys D.


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Our goal is to create a fund for the RHOW Rehab.


With your support we have and are able to continue to help addicts experience freedom from active addiction, build an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and take back what the enemy stole.  







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